Friday, October 10, 2008

Chosing a New Focus

October 8, 2008
I woke up last night, again in cold sweat, but something had shifted. I realized that I had to get back to work. I have been on sabbatical, investigating other interests and what I might do in the next chapter of my life. Given what’s happening in the market, I may not have the back up resources to stay on sabbatical or consider semi-retirement. I have all these skills and talents that I am not using. Now I need to use them to make a contribution, to make a difference.

I am feeling a determination to move past this panic and to reclaim my future.
I still have instances of fear creeping in, but I have to stay focused on what I am creating. It will be a form of disciplined practice, to walk my own talk about how important intention and choice of focus is.

1 comment:

Rachel Cornell said...

>>>how important intention and choice of focus is.<<<

Sounds to me like you are saying that intention and choice of focus is more important than the fear and panic you're feeling. Is that true?
