Saturday, October 11, 2008

McCain blows the Leadership Test- Again

For the past week, Gov. Palin and Senator McCain have been fanning the flames of incendiary rhetoric, trying to turn our attention away from the real political issues that should be the focus of our examination and discourse. Palin particularly has had the role of using lies and innuendo to try to attack Obama's character. She would not be taking this approach without the full endorsement of this strategy by McCain.

At the most recent rallies with McCain, people were so incited that they yelled the slurs of "traitor" and "terrorist" and used invectives about hurting Obama. This has been met, belatedly, with a tepid denouncement by McCain.

Yes, campaigns get tough this time of year, but the use of this strategy demonstrates such poor judgement, it can only be explained as an act of extreme desperation. When Palin stirs up the mob mentality that is created at their rallies, and McCain accepts it, it is dangerous and a huge disservice to our country. It eliminates rationality and appeals only to the lowest, most base level of our humanity.

For someone who claimed to want to eliminate partisan politics, as McCain has repeatedly said he wanted to do, this strategy is dumbfounding. To treat another presidential candidate with this level of disrespect and slander is inexcusable. No matter who wins this election, John McCain and Sarah Palin have contributed to a heightened level of partisanship, distrust and hatred; leaving a residue of intolerance that has the potential to threaten us all.


Rachel Cornell said...

Thank you for writing this. Thank you for reminding us of the greater damage this kind of retoric creates. It's not just political gunslinging, it's much more insidious than that.


Beth (Elizabeth) LaMie said...

It is so disheartening this year in particular that both candidates attack each other instead of addressing the real issues, like the economy, our schools & the wars.

It does seem that McCain is getting desperate and he has unleashed his "bulldog with lipstick" to fight dirty.

Wouldn't it be great if we had a political system like in England where either party can call for an election and they actually vote in 6 or 8 weeks? They don't waste years campaigning and wasting millions of dollars that can be better spent on something worthwhile.

Thanks for the forum to spout off with my own two cents.


Patricia said...

Thank you Rachel and Beth.
I appreciate your additions and agree with your perspectives.